The Disability Project is one of the longest running programmes that 174 Trust has to offer. Founded 21 years ago, Linda Duffy has been coordinating the programme brilliantly for the last 12 years. The Disability Project is primarily for children who live in the North Belfast area with a physical or learning disability. The youth group, aged 11-18 years old, meets every Tuesday from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. The junior club, aged 5-11 years old, meets at the same time every Wednesday in the halls of 174 Trust. For the younger group, the Disability Project serves as a wonderful social outlet, where children can play, learn, and create. With the assistance of outside organizations, the older group extends this social outlet by developing important life skills that might provide them with a greater sense of independence. And while their children are in a safe space, parents and carers are given a time of respite.